Logo Sara Doati traduzioni

“Translation is interpretation”

said Heidegger

This is why relying on a professional able to communicate your message to people is always the best choice.

The verb “to translate” comes from the Latin traducere (to transport, to transfer) and the aim of any translator is to provide interpreting services by translating from one language to another. Because translating doesn’t mean just to quote everything in the exact sequence of words used, you must also give life to them. It means to infuse the words with the same spark of life contained in the original version of the text, while conveying concepts and emotions.

Logo Sara Doati traduzioni
“Translation is interpretation”

said Heidegger

This is why relying on a professional able to communicate your message to people is always the best choice.

The verb “to translate” comes from the Latin traducere (to transport, to transfer) and the aim of any translator is to provide interpreting services by translating from one language to another. Because translating doesn’t mean just to quote everything in the exact sequence of words used, you must also give life to them. It means to infuse the words with the same spark of life contained in the original version of the text, while conveying concepts and emotions.

Traduzioni per editoria e cinema

Translator and interpreter from English and Spanish into Italian

After attaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures in Venice, I continued my studies earning my Master’s Degree at Unimarconi in Rome with Interpreting and Translation classes at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML) Gregorio VII.

During my studies I had the chance to get some experience with several internships, and later I started working as a freelance translator and interpreter for companies, other freelancers and associations that needed to communicate with companies abroad. In the meantime, I got a Master in Dialogue and Film-adaptation and collaborated with an important company, at the same time working as an English and Spanish teacher.

Today my translation and interpretation services are given throughout Italy, especially in the Veneto region, where I live.

Traduzioni per editoria e cinema

Translator and interpreter from English and Spanish into Italian

After attaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures in Venice, I continued my studies earning my Master’s Degree at Unimarconi in Rome with Interpreting and Translation classes at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML) Gregorio VII.

During my studies I had the chance to get some experience with several internships, and later I started working as a freelance translator and interpreter for companies, other freelancers and associations that needed to communicate with companies abroad. In the meantime, I got a Master in Dialogue and Film-adaptation and collaborated with an important company, at the same time working as an English and Spanish teacher.

Today my translation and interpretation services are given throughout Italy, especially in the Veneto region, where I live.

Professionalism and curiosity are part of my DNA

My professional ethics lead me never to underestimate a deadline, to be punctual and to maintain relations and communication with the people and companies that rely on me. The passion for what I do leads me to keep a vigilant eye out for details, because I’m confident that these make a significant difference between good communication and a simple translation. I’m dynamic and tremendously curious. Therefore, I love new work situations outside my comfort zone where I can challenge and better myself. I know how to work independently, on site or remotely, and I enjoy collaborating with a team. For this reason, I’m a member of a team of international professionals that come from different fields. I exchange ideas with them so as to find the best-suited terms to use in every context. A translator is not a know-it-all! We know the techniques, utilize research tools, we apply our own experiences and studies to explore and master the topics we are dealing with. And certainly, having experts to ask for advice is a useful trump-card.



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